Themes In Alice In Wonderland

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Megan Wickingson Orrick Honors English Language Arts 9, Hour 4 18 April 2014 Lewis Carroll employs the elements of theme, setting, and narrator/voice in his piece Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Theme is an important element in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. It helps the reader to better understand what is happening as time goes on. Though there are many, one theme in particular is death. It may not seem like much, but it is in fact an important factor to Alice’s story. Alice is constantly finding herself in dangerous situations, but seems to have no regard for it. She keeps taking risks that quite possibly could kill her, but she never even considers this as a possible outcome to the situation. “The Queen turned crimson…the Queen was silent.” (85) Here, Alice has offended the Queen, to which she immediately responds by ordering her head to come off. Alice responds boldly that it is nonsense to decapitate her, which silences the queen. Alice is starting to realize that Wonderland isn’t this fairy tale land that she originally thought it was, and that it is in a fact dangerou...

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