Theme Of Women In King Lear

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Throughout the centuries women have been subjected and criticized by not only the Male gender, but by society as a whole. Each generation there is a new found respect for women; being able to speak aloud, being able to drive, being able to vote, and being able to work a “man’s” job. All of these instances indicate the progress women are making in society. However, no matter how hard they try, women can’t seem to be treated as equals to men. Even though we now have women as senators, mayors, and other leader positions, women are still considered inferior in the eyes of Men. It is because of the countless expectations that were set many years ago, that women are still considered weak, emotional, and unimportant. Shakespeare took the first couple of steps in showing that women could be just as dangerous and powerful as men in the kingdom in his play King Lear. He showed audiences that even though some women are weaker, there are those who exceed the expectations set by their predecessors that they don’t have to follow those rules, that they can be just like men, and yet still act like a lady.
In the first act Shakespeare grants women power by letting King Lear divide his kingdom up between his three daughters based on how much they say they love him. The two oldest, Regan and Goneril, are the most deceiving with their words, while the youngest, Cordelia, is honest with her words. Lear was victimized by the oldest who played his emotions well in order to manipulate him to get the most out of him. Cordelia chose not to play their wicked game and chose to stand up for what she believes was right, which led to her banishment from her father’s kingdom. In other words she proved to the audience that just because the other women were bei...

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...f grief and Edmund is killed by his brother he framed for the attempted assassination of their father. Cordelia was killed by a knight that was sent by Edmund, and Lear dies out of heartache. The deaths illustrate the rights and wrongs that a woman is capable of despite what is thought of her. The wrongs caused by the older sisters only set up the wrongs done to their father, sister, husbands, and kingdom. Proving that women can and will do

whatever they please in order to get what they want. By Cordelia’s rights, she set herself up for banishment, which helped her avoid the madness in the kingdom, and forgiveness that was asked of her after the wrong that was done upon her. Giving the image that women are strong, and know when to forgive the right person and crime. Even though many things were done to her, she used her emotions and brain to do the right thing.

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