A Midsummer Night's Dream Research Paper

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In the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, love plays a huge role in the actions and consciences of many of the characters. Although the play is a comedy, it gives incite of Shakespeare’s view of women how they were treated during his time. Women usually had to marry men who they didn’t love and it was inevitable that women were to become solely dependent on men. Similar to many writers, Shakespeare expressed his opinions on sensitive subjects through his works. Shakespeare’s portrayal of women at his time were that they could allow themselves to be rebellious and vulnerable only when influenced by love. Hermia showed lack of concern for authority and consequences because of her love for Lysander. Immediately, Hermia showed rebellion against not …show more content…

Demetrius sternly rejected her and she continuously pursued him despite how foolish she was viewed. While following Demetrius he said, “you do impeach your modesty too much, to leave the city, and commit yourself into the hands of one that loves you not (18).” He even acknowledges how irrational and foolish it was to leave the safety of the village to come follow him while he pursues another woman. Although he points this out to Helena, she continues to dote over him which in turn makes her pathetically in love and vulnerable. Additionally, Helena was also vulnerable to hypocrisy because of her love for Demetrius. While she pursued her love for Demetrius, she would not allow Hermia and Lysander go about and live happily with theirs. Helena’s love and want of approval from Demetrius led her to betray her friendship with …show more content…

Hermia became jealous and overwhelmed with anger when her love was supposedly threatened by Helena. Helena and Hermia were portrayed to have good standing although Helena had betrayed Hermia by revealing her whereabouts to Demetrius. Hermia proved to be vulnerable when she let her jealousy, anger, and confusion along with her love for Lysander to move her to threaten and argue with one of her friends. If Hermia had not loved Lysander so strongly, her reaction might have been similar to Helena’s where she thought the men’s love was not serious. Hermia definitely let her love for Lysander make her emotionally

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