Theme Of Symbolism In The Old Man And The Sea

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Tianyou Li Li 1
Mrs. Phillips
English 9H
6 October 2015
The Marlin, The Sharks, and The Young Lions

“The true tarot is symbolism. It speaks no other language and offers no other signs.”(Arthur E. Waite) In literature, symbolism is widely used to give the deeper meaning behind common figures. It shows readers a new insight and enriches the theme and plot. In Hemingway’s compelling novella The Old man and The Sea, Santiago, an old but skilled fisherman, fished off the coast of Cuba. Unfortunately, Santiago couldn’t catch any fish for a long time. In his village, the younger fishermen ridiculed and laughed at him, while the older fishermen pitied and felt sorry for him. Despite of this, Santiago went on another fishing expedition in …show more content…

Santiago hooked the marlin, a vast and beautiful fish on the fourth day of his adventure. “It raked back and as the fish swam just below the surface the old man could see his huge bulk and the purple stripes that banded him. His dorsal fin was down and his huge pectorals were spread wide”(Hemingway 90). Anxiously, Santiago tried very hard to pull in this humongous fish and determined not to give up because catching a fish such size was extremely rare. The marlin symbolizes Santiago’s pride. “You killed him for pride and because you are a fisherman.”(Hemingway 105). In order to prove to his village that he was still useful, he had to catch the marlin and bring it back to them. The size of the marlin also shows the extent of his pride. Moreover, the marlin symbolizes Christ. The marlin was kind and patient. Likewise, Christ always was kind to others, even the wicked. Even thought the marlin was hooked by Santiago, the marlin didn’t franticly move about or dive under the sea. Since the marlin was so immense in size, it could have easily destroyed Santiago’s fishing boat, which could lead to Santiago drowning. Unlike other fish, the marlin patiently swam on, as if the marlin was guiding and leading Santiago somewhere. Similarly, Christ lead people and taught people when he was here on the Earth. Upon his crucifixion, people taunted him, but he never fought back. Additionally, the …show more content…

In Santiago’s childhood, he sailed ships to Africa where he had seen lions playing on the beach. His dreams were based on past events and memories. The lions’ symbolic meaning is Santiago’s youth. When Santiago dreamt about the lions carefree and playing on the beach, he got the strength and endurance that he need to continue. “After that he began to dream of the long yellow beach and he saw the first of the lions come down onto it in the early dark and then the other lions came...he waited to see if there would be more lions and he was happy”(Hemingway 81). The lions also symbolize peace and harmony. When the young lions played on the beach they were very happy and peaceful. This also helped Santiago relax. Santiago loved the lions as he loved Manolin. “He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach. They played like young cats in the dusk and he loved them as he loved the boy.”(Hemingway 25). When he dreamt of lions, it reminded him of his youth and

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