Theme Of Sacrifice In Their Eyes Were Watching God

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Would you be able to give up something you care about for happiness of others? Sacrifice is something that drives pain and happiness all at the same time how could sacrifice bring happiness?The novel brings out nature and love of others to pull the novel together. In the novel Their Eyes were Watching God, Janie wanted to find love and so many countless times she has to sacrifice her voice which illuminated the theme of giving.
Marriage is something many women dream of being the most magical day of their life.Janie took a chance on love when she met Jody Starks by leaving her unhappy marriage to Logan to receive something magical in the end. “Joe Starks was the name, yeah Joe Starks from in and through Georgy. Been workin’ for white folks …show more content…

Janie is a strong and vibrant women who has made it this far on her own now has to sacrifice her opinion and her voice and for what to make Joe happy what about her self.This is the wonderful value that Janie has no matter what others have to say about her she stands tall and takes it because she would rather squander her happiness than to hurt another. "Thank yuh fuh yo’ compliments, but mah wife don’t know nothin’ ‘bout no speech-makin’. Ah never married her for nothin’ lak dat. She’s uh woman and her place is in de home.” Janie gives her voice to be able to receive a happy and long marriage she never truly gets to hold on to her voice and speak how she feels. So she decides it is time to do something for me I am going to leave with …show more content…

She wants to stand by him.” She was stunned at first and hurt afterwards. So she went straight to her bosom friend, Pheoby Watson , and told her about it. Ah’d ruther de dead than for Jody tuh think Ah’d hurt him, she sobbed to Pheoby. It ain't always been too pleasant, cause you know how Joe worships de works of his own hands, but God in heben knows Ah wouldn't do one thing tuh hurt nobody. It’s too underhand and mean.” Nothing can change the cold hearted person Jody is no matter how many times Janie has to swallow her pride chock down her opion and take every hurtful thing he has to say nothing would change him not even her standing by him when he is dieing.Truly shows who Janie is as a person and what she values enough to let go and be with someone who does nothing but drains the happiness out of her..”Leave heah, Janie. Don't come heah- Ah knowed you wasn't goin tuh listen tuh me. You changes everything but nothin’ don’t change you - not even

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