Examples Of Ptsd In Catcher In The Rye

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Post Traumatic Holden Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is defined as “a mental health condition that 's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it” (Mayo Clinic). It affects millions of people across America and interferes with their day to day lives. In the novel, Catcher in the Rye, Salinger hints towards Holden suffering from PTSD; this is shown through him mirroring traits of PTSD, having a cause of PTSD, and seeking help for PTSD. PTSD was discovered in the 1980’s, and was originally thought to be a sign of weakness to the army. Prior to the discovery, many soldiers were discharged from the army for not being able to face their experiences on the battlefield(NIH). Today it is known that it is a …show more content…

I really did. I went right on smoking like a madman”(Salinger 42).”I 'd only had three drinks at Ernie 's, and I didn 't even finish the last one. One thing I have, it 's a terrific capacity. I can drink all night and not even show it, if I 'm in the mood”( Salinger 90). These habits are not normal for a child of his age and it’s no wonder, seeing as self destruction is a very common symptom of PTSD (Mayo). Holden, not wanting to cope with the reality of Allie’s death and the depression, he still feels, drinks and smokes away the pain rather than dealing with it rationally. Aggression is another common symptom of PTSD(Mayo). This is seen on the night of Allie’s death, in which Holden smashes all the garage’s windows to pieces(Salinger 39). It is also seen in his fight with Stradlater early on in the book. “This next part I don 't remember so hot. All I know is I got up from the bed, like I was going down to the can or something, and then I tried to sock him, with all my might, right smack in the toothbrush, so it would split his goddam throat open”(Salinger 43). These outbursts of fury help to illustrate his underlying feelings of anger and maybe even guilt he still feels about Allie’s …show more content…

Holden, throughout the book, is fed up with the phony lifestyle many of those in adulthood live. He constantly talks about people he hates and rarely touches on those he likes. He gets in fights with his roommates and has a very pessimistic and bleak view of his future. “Name something you 'd like to be. Like a scientist. Or a lawyer or something." "I couldn 't be a scientist. I 'm no good in science." "Well, a lawyer--like Daddy and all." "Lawyers are all right, I guess--but it doesn 't appeal to me,"(Salinger 172). Holden has no idea of what he wants to do when he grows up or what direction he’s heading. He seems to feel wronged by the world, perhaps for taking away something that he held near and dear to his heart,

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