Theme Of Private Identity In Julius Caesar

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The play Julius Caesar written by William Shakespeare takes place in 44 BC during the time of the Roman Republic. The plot of Shakespeare’s play includes the planning leading up to the assassination of Caesar as well as a war that followed shortly after. Of the themes found in Julius Caesar, the one I would like to focus on is “Public Image versus Private Identity.” Most of the play focuses on the disregard of each character's personal feelings in order to “please” the common public. In the play, the audience is able to see both the private and public sides of Caesar and Brutus. Brutus is strong and refuses to show weakness when in public, whether it be speaking to the plebeians or leading an army into battle. However, we see through his intimate conversations, that Brutus is often unsure and greatly pained. Similarly, Caesar is a powerful confident man who leads great armies and effectively rules the Roman Empire, yet he is not without weakness. He is highly superstitious, suffers from epilepsy, and ultimately proves to be human when murdered by his closest friends. The theme of “public image versus private identity” is being explored in the text through examples from the characters’ private and public lives.
After fleeing Rome, Brutus learns that his wife has committed suicide, and is heartbroken when discussing it with Cassius when he says, “No man bears sorrow better. Portia is dead.” (172) This shows when he is with his fellow general Cassius, Brutus is willing to share his feelings with him. However, as soon as soldiers enter his tent, he pretends to not know of her death, and when told of it, does not react with great emotion: “Why, farewell, Portia. We must die. With meditating that she must die once. I have the patience...

... middle of paper ... could happen during the time Julius Caesar took place. The camera has not even been invented yet and word of mouth was one of the only ways information got around. As you can see, this could ruin one’s career path due to new technology confusing private identity and public image. Employers nowadays will search up your name on Social Networking sites and see what you do during your personal time and life. Although many aspects of the world have changed since 44 BC, the fact that people will judge you based on your private life and past has not. Likewise in Julius Caesar, both Brutus and Caesar were afraid of being judged in public light. In the end, each and every one us have a private identity and a public image. These two lives have no reason to interact with one another, but our culture does a poor job at respecting that these two lives should be kept separate.

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