Theme Of Marxism In The Movie Psycho

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In the film Psycho, by Hitchcock, a rich man was flirting with a woman named Karen. He tried to seduce her with 40,000 that he had. He was showing off how much money he had, so she can give herself to him. Meaning that he wanted her to please his desires that he had imagine. Karen then stole the 40,000 dollars and ran away, but it did not go as she planned. In the film, Karen was the gold diggers, simply because she cannot offer what men can offer, or she does not work as hard as men do. In the film Psycho, marxism is observe when the man shows off his money to a woman who is working for a man This is then suppress when she runs away with the money but ends up dying. Marxism is power that comes from economics, but race and gender plays a …show more content…

It is not a man because men cannot play the role as a gold digger, men are the ones who have and are supposed to have all the money in the world. If a male played this role, he would be seen as a weak man and probably he would be made fun of. Men hold the power in society, they are allowed to make more money than women, and they are allowed to be superior towards women. Women in the other hand cannot be above man because she will be seen as a crazy woman or a lesbian that desires what man desire. In the film the man hold the power towards Karen, meaning he knew he was able to get her to give herself to him. How? By letting her know that he is a rich white man, who is buying a house for his baby girl because her soon to be husband cannot do that for her. He cannot do that for her because the father is the one with the power and his daughter does as he says. Karen knows she can easily pretend to be interested in him just for the money, and the man will know it is for the money because women are selfish, interested gold diggers. But Karen plays smart with him and her boss, she pretends to not be interested in the man the man’s money. She knew that her boss would send her to the bank to deposit the money, so that was the chance for her to run away with the money. Furthermore, as she runs away with the money she then gets killed at the Bates Motel by a man. Marxism is then …show more content…

The film makes Karen seen as a gold digger because she was not interested in the man, just his money so she runs away with the 40,000. This is then suppress when she runs away with the money but ends up dying. She ends up dying because a man killed her, she no longer had the power in her hands. Men always hold the power in society and especially when a woman is around. But, when women desires what man have; they are consider a psycho because a woman can never have what a man has. It is just the rules women have to play by

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