Theme Of Hope In Prison

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Our image is a visual representation of tof the contrast between the power of hope and the burden of institutionalization. The character of Andy and the wardens re the embodiment of these two central themes. We used the contrast between the flashlight and the watch tower to highlight the prevalence of andy hope in such a dark and desolate environment

The image drawn in an elevated first person / bird's eye view of the walls of the prison. Andy’s hand is on the top right hand corner to show that in the power of hope that he possessed was above the any thing that the prison threw at him. Andy is holding a flashlight which is a symbol of hope in our image it is also an allusion to his escape as he used it to guide him to freedom. The light that he shines on …show more content…

Majority of the image space is occupied by the prison wall with wires on the top. Because of the low angle used for the prison walls, the height of the walls implies that prisoners can’t see what is on the outside because the prisoners have become institutionalized. Always having things said for them or being told what to do. They have become accustomed to the life inside the wall, a life having called the prison their home. The ground also takes a big space of the drawing. In the beginning of the movie prisoners come to the prison the prison ground soon encompasses them without realizing that they are about to be institutionalized. Once you step on the prison ground, it's as if you have walked into your own demise. You can’t escape it, like the graves,because they get so used to that prison. This is further enhanced by the wide shot used in the image like Brooks, they are willing to stay where it’s “safe” for them. They’re stuck and they’re bound to die inside. Again this connects to “Get busy living or get busy dying”. So many graves were drawn because in the movie they all become stuck but Andy and then eventually

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