Theme Of Greed In The Odyssey

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In the beginning, Odysseus acts very childish when he and his men docked at the island of the Cyclops. For example, after Odysseus and his men find all the food in the cave, he doesn't want to leave. Lingering, Odysseus says, “but I would not give away- and how much better it would have been- not till I saw him, saw what gifts he’d give”(IX,256-258). After one receives a gift one should be grateful and not ask for more; this is known as being greedy. Greedy is a character trait which can mostly be seen in children. Odysseus wants more gifts and he thinks he will gain bragging rights after seeing a Cyclops. He acts especially immature when he shouts, “‘Cyclops-if any man on the face of the earth should ask you who blinded you, shamed you so-say

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