Theme Of Fear In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Throughout the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, every character has their own unique personality traits, one trait common to all characters is fear, especially that of the fear of the unknown. In the beginning, the children, known as Jem, Scout, and Dill are afraid of Boo Radley because he has not been out of his house in about fifteen years. In the climax, the entire Finch family is afraid of Atticus losing his case with Tom Robinson because they have no idea of what might happen to Atticus’s job. And towards the end, the children are afraid of Atticus’s safety because Bob Ewell has threatened to “Get Atticus if it took the rest of his life” (pg.358 para. 1). These events in this novel has lead to believe its central idea is fear of the unknown. …show more content…

Boo had found himself in the wrong crowd as a teenager which eventually resulted in breaking the law and attending court. Mr. Radley, who is Boo’s father, had made a compromise with the judge which was if the judge released Boo, he himself would see to it that he gave no further trouble. Ever since, Boo had never been seen or heard from again for just about fifteen years. The children are afraid of the Radleys because they keep to themselves and most people in Maycomb are friendly and sociable, they also believe the Radley pecans are poisonous. They are mostly afraid of Boo because he never comes out of the Radley house, Mr. Radley takes a stroll to the town store every day at eleven thirty and comes home promptly at noon, Mrs. Radley occasionally walks across the street to enjoy coffee with their neighbors, but Boo never comes out. This ties into the fear of the unknown because the children have no idea what Boo is like but have only heard stories and rumours about how awful he

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