Theme Of Blood Quotes Analysis

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Throughout the novel the theme of blood is often mentioned. The blood has various meanings, but overall it signifies part of his identity. It is Bính’s blood that grounds him to his origins and I argue that it represents his life in Vietnam as something that he can never run away from. Vietnam will follow him wherever he goes and for that reason he will never quite fit in anywhere else. In this quote Bính is referring to Lattimore’s denial of his Black ancestry, “As for your mother’s blood, you are careful not to let it show” (Truong, 151). Lattimore only acknowledges his White side which is what gives him privilege. He tries to pretend his Black half does not exist and thus completely ignores part of his identity in order to appear more appealing to society. However, even though Bính is talking about Lattimore, it also relates to him even if he is not aware of it. In his own way Bính is also denying his blood when he wishes the old man is not his father. Throughout the book the thought of his father haunts him and even though he wishes to get away from him, he carries him around in his mind and in his blood. Despite …show more content…

He is alluding to the fact that Lattimore passes as White and has been able to separate his Black self from his physical appearance. This is a privilege that Bính is obviously not afforded. Anyone who sees him knows at least one of his identities. It seems to be a double edged sword. Perhaps Bính is saying that Lattimore has separated himself not just from his Black identity, but also from anyone else who might also be like him. Unlike Bính, who is able to acknowledge others that look like him and is able to find some comfort in seeing his fellow country men around Paris. Nonetheless, it is also a burden because most people make assumptions and cannot look past his race and his

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