Theatre Theater Importance

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The importance of education has always been a touchy subject. What classes and requirements should a student take to get the best education? While many will agree that should always have your core subjects such as math, English, science and history, other classes such as choir, band, and theater have always been left out. How big of an impact do these classes make an a student 's education? Theater, choir, and art classes are crucial to a student 's education.

First of all you have theater. (aka drama class) examples of how theater class is important to a student 's education is, that it 's a great way to express yourself! It develops our ability to communicate with others improving relationships and is an effective way to show self expression! …show more content…

Some texts go back in time especially our classics such as Hamlet, The Crucible, Macbeth and so on. Now if I were you and I had the choice between just reading the text in class out of a book or performing the piece I would definitely choose performing. Not only is would it be more fun, but it 'd be easier to have a grasp of the text more than just reading it in class! Another example of house theater makes an impact on a student 's education is the self-empowerment that comes with drama. performance affect every aspect of our everyday lives power relationships are constructed through performances understanding how performances unfold around us can help us recognize and take control of the power dynamics that for that affect us. there 's also education in theater. Theatre is a great way to learn. Going to the theater teaches us about people places

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