Theatre Admission Essay

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When I was younger I was a short, fat, ugly little black girl who got made off for trying to run,who felt uncomfortable in leotards and tights, and who hated swim classes.I found my freedom in books about fairy tales , princesses, and lands of make believe. I finally found who I really was, and who I am today,through theatre.At first, theatre was just an escape for me,a time where I could be anybody I wanted to be and I could run away from who I was and reality.As I got older it became how I expressed self ,how I faced things, and ulitamely a part of me. Now, when introduce myself and people ask me who I am , I tell them “I am Kiara and I am an artist”. Now, I don’t know who I am without my art, theatre has become an essential part of who I am and who I want to become. My ultimate goal in life is to attain a P.H.D in theatre arts and to create my own train method for actors,attaining a B.F.A in …show more content…

The further I have immersed myself in it, I found what truly interest and moves me to do theatre. That is the ability to spark individual change in people and their perspectives. Throughout, high school I kept finding myself doing social justice theatre projects never with intention of doing so. Subsequently, I discovered why theatre and art is so important to who am and why I have an interest in studying it. Art, but more specifically theatre indirectly forces us to deal with life’s truths about ourselves and others in a refreshing way that both entertains us but also often leaves us with something. That “something” is can be a variety of thoughts, feelings, or even revelations. Having the power to be a part of that process for someone is what interests me in doing theatre ,not getting to play a certain character or just perform in front of people. Knowing that my art has the ability to affect and help people is what drives me to pursue attaining a B.F.A in

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