TheAffects of the Tourist Economy on Puerto Rico

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To Americans Puerto Rico is an island destination where they can relax on the beach. In reality, Puerto Rico has deep social problems that have been hidden by tourism. It is easy to see pictures of magnificent beaches and assume the whole island is as beautiful and picturesque as that beach. There is no arguing that Puerto Rico is an incredible place with a thriving culture the disregard of its problems has created an American population that knows nothing of its commonwealth neighbor. The Rum Diary by director Bruce Robinson explores these issues, especially transparency regarding social ills. In the movie, Johnny Depp’s character, Paul Kemp is a freelance journalist who is only allowed to write about tourist life even though he wants to write about the poverty of San Juan. The film portrays the disconnect between American tourists and the local community. The way Puerto Rico is portrayed in the media and in entertainment is one sided, and that is the side that appeals to the public. No one wants to taint paradise with corruption. That is similar to many resort countries where tourists only know what they see within the confines of their hotel. That is unfortunate because serious issues need to be known especially since Puerto Rico is an American commonwealth that deserves the same opportunities that are available in America. In this essay I will use The Rum Diary to support the argument that American intervention and the media’s portrayal of Puerto Rico as a tourist destination has covered up deep social problems, which tourism has perpetuated.
Puerto Rico was not always the tropical tourist destination it is today. Initially, it was a rural island with little to no modern amenities, and a severely impoverished population. Th...

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...erican intervention in making Puerto Rico a tourist destination has created social problems while simultaneously covering them up. Tourism has made Puerto Rico an island paradise, but no one talks about the high unemployment rates, crime, and Americanization of Puerto Rican culture. Many do not see this a problematic because tourism is highly profitable, but many of the locals do not see those profits. There is not much being done in combating the issues that have risen with the implementation of tourism as the main industry of Puerto Rico. Many people do not think of these things when thinking about the island because it is marketed as a place to forget troubles, not a place to take on the troubles of Puerto Rico. There has to be more awareness, and priority placed on finding solutions to these issues if Puerto Rico wants to maintain a successful tourist industry.

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