The veldt

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In his short fiction story "The Veldt," Ray Bradbury highlights the idea that an excess of anything is bad, and moderation is key. Bradbury communicates the dangers of excessive technology through the use of two young middle-class children. Reviews like Kattelman's praise Bradbury's ability to manipulate and combine words for maximum effect, making him an incredible writer. "The Veldt" is a glimpse into the imminent future, set in a "Happy House," a revolutionary wonder in technology that cooks, cleans, comforts, and even bathes the owner. This house includes a nursery, a room in which the thoughts of children become a virtual reality on the walls. The images terrify the parents, and they seek the immediate help of a psychologist who implores them to shut down the house. Throughout the story, symbolism is a prevailing literary element that allows Bradbury to develop his plot and characters. Foreshadowing is frequently used in "The Veldt," leading up to the final moments of George and Lydia.

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