The touch of Christ

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The Touch of Christ As I have been taking classes concerning counseling and the healing process, I realized I could never be a typical office counselor. I began to question the rules of typical counseling and the practices set forth by some state guidelines. My final straw was working for a state- funded agency that would not allow us to take clients to church when they desired to go due to regulations. While human nature tends to see only qualified professionals being able to help heal the broken hearted, is Christ-centered healing more effective when it comes to healing addictions? I have always had the knowledge of Christ, but up until this last year, I realized I did not truly believe in him. I questioned the things in my life and why I always ended up with the same misery over and over. I had grown up in an abusive life from my early years. I can honestly say I had brief periods of peace when I was allowed to go with my grandparents, but they were short lived. I was taken to a variety of counselors from a very young age and put on prescription medicines starting at 16. Everyone around me could not figure out what was wrong with me and why nothing would “fix” me. Sin was a normal for me, and I carried on that lifestyle into adulthood. I had no concept of trust and what love really was. The seed of Christ was planted for me years ago. I did what I thought every typical Christian should be doing. I went to church and volunteered my time every chance I got. I home schooled my children and taught them the ways of God as I understood them. I had dinner prepared for my husband every night and made him lunch every day. However, on the inside I was hurting and miserable. Little did I know I was just escaping time while my sinful... ... middle of paper ... ... may take time, too much time is not a positive thing in an addict’s life. Obsession and compulsion are often the two components that go along with addiction. The obsessive part is the feeling of always wanting/needing more while the compulsive part is the behaviors that come from having the obsession. One last question that needs answered before I address the components of healing an addiction is this: Is addition a disease? Works Cited “How Addiction Hijacks the Brain.”Harvard Medical School,Trusted Advice For a Healthier Life. Harvard Health Publications, July 2011. Web. 30Mar.2014. Loman, Thomas. “Christians and Addictions.”Upward.Inward.Outward. Stagecoach Road Christian Fellowship, 15 Apr.2009. Web.30 Mar.2014. Smith, Melinda, Jeanne Seagull, and Lawrence Robinson. “Overcoming Drug Addiction.”, 01 Feb.2014. Wed.30 Mar.2014.

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