The intruder

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On the tip of her toes, Fiona sneaked out of her room. She headed to her dad's office, at the end of the hallway, and pressed her ear against the black wooden door. She held her breath as she listened. Behind that, she could hear her dad's voice, calm but strict and imposing, talking on the phone with some major sponsor or business partner, she guessed. After that, he will probably rearrange his precious documents and head to bed, without checking onto Fiona. If asked, he would say he trusted his daughter and the education he gave her, but the truth was that he was too tired and stressed out to bother himself with such a minor problem. Not that Fiona minded that. Normally, on a Friday night, her mom would be home, watching some cheesy comedy, starring a married couple with trust issues. Unlike her dad, Maura would check up on her at least three times before she would go to sleep. Maura owned a floral shop in the center of the town and she spent most of her time there, helping around the employers and making sure that everything was in perfect order - just the way she liked it. Unfortunately, on her way home, she had to cross the also called "bad part of the town". Because of that she always made sure she got home before 8 PM. That night ,though, Maura finished work really late and decided to sleep at some friend's house. Just in the right moment. Fixing her hair in the round mirror , Fiona climbed down the stairs, careful not to make any sound. The street was dark and silent as she reached the crossroad. Taking out her phone she called her best friend Dylan, to whom she said a simple "I'm ready. Pick me up." and then she hung up. Fiona waited for five more minutes , before a black car pulled over just a few meters awa... ... middle of paper ... ...h a howl, spreading madness in her body. This mad scream was always on the back of her mind, always ready to be unleashed. But, with every sip from the magic red cup, the wind got quieter, until it completely drowned in the sea of alcohol. When Fiona opened her eyes, her vision was blurry. She didn't move with the same ease now, but she felt in control. Inside her it was quiet. Outside, the music boomed, threatening to hurt her eardrums. Brandon was no longer beside her. Glancing to her right, she saw him puking his stomach out on a pile of empty beer bottles. Dylan was no where to be seen, and she didn't know who her new dance partner was. She was completely drunk in the middle of the woods , surrounded by horny teenagers. Fiona was in the exact situation that adults prevented her all her life to avoid. But she didn't care. She was in control. All was well.

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