The holy hump

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When I wrote “The Holy Hump” I was trying to take stabs at William for being so stereotypical and for also being “douchey”. The poem begins with “William, my friend and roommate.” (Sanchez, line 1) I am trying to tell the reader that even though of what may come, William is still my friend and I don’t hate him. The next line “I want to know your trick” (Sanchez, line 2) shows how I want to learn to be sort of like William. He has a sort of magic trick that nets him something that I can’t get. The next two lines “Let me know for I wish to be that great” (Sanchez, line 3) and “Let me guess it’s your football kick,” (Sanchez, line 4) here I try to tell say how I wish I had this legacy and all its glory, the line after that answers my questions as to where William’s power comes from, football. This whole stanza explains to the reader where the narrator and William are coming from, it never talks about the reasoning as to why this is happening. It is a more of setting the stage, Felix begins telling us how he feels about William later will introduce the conflicts of the poem. Felix is pr...

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