The Word Bitch

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The discussion of whether or not the re-appropriation of the word “Bitch” is a positive action in our society is common amongst women in our society. I am involved in many clubs at WSU and one of my favorite clubs that I participate in is the Black Women’s Caucus (BWC). BWC is an assembly of women that talk about specific issues and topics effecting the Black Community, more specifically focused on Black women. At one of the meetings this past Wednesday, the discussion focused on the word “Bitch” and if the historical negative connotation of the word could ever truly be “erased” or righteously flipped into a positive meaning. There were two standpoints during the conversation, some young ladies agreed that the word needed to be abolished from …show more content…

The term has historically apprehended a powerful and revered nature towards ladies. Generally the tag of a “Queen” has never represented itself as an insult, opposed to the word “Bitch”. The word Bitch came onto the scene as an insult during the fourteenth and fifteenth century and has continued to thrive as an insult and a popular word throughout the twenty-first century. The literal term of a bitch is a female canine. The insulting use of the word is often compared to the literal definition, when explaining the dehumanizing aspect of referring to women as “bitches”. Degrading the identity of women down to animals is easily an oppressive strategy; if one does not view someone on the same humanly level it is easy for them to tyrannize that person. However, when looked up on Wikipedia “Bad Bitch” is generally defined as a “strong, sexualized, self-reliant and materialistic woman” and in Hip Hop Culture as a “signify a hardcore woman who makes money and proudly flaunts her sexual libido and sexuality" and a woman who can hold her own”.
One of the claims in the club meeting made to justify the use of the word “Bitch”, was that a “Bad Bitch” can be confident, adored, and beautiful and an individual identifier of what makes her self-esteem feel good. That mentality could disregard and redefine the dreaded past context of the title. Another member shared a similar view, speaking that the excessive use of “Bitch” as a non-degrading term, desensitized the insulting history of the word, so that when it is used as an insult it does not “Hurt as

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