The Wife's Mental State In The Short Story 'The Hand'

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The wife’s mental state in the short story “The Hand” is often questioned. She went from loving her husband in the first part of the story to at the end pretending to love him out of fear after all that she did was analyze his hand over a night. This brings up the question was the mental state of the wife in this story, based on the symptoms of delusions, confused thoughts and speech, and paranoia. According to WebMD the definition of delusions is:”Mistaken but firmly held beliefs that are easy to prove wrong, like thinking you have superpowers, are a famous person, or people are out to get you”.This would include thinking of you husband as an oppressive and fierce person only based on observing his hand, as far as the reader knows the husband …show more content…

It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality”.The wife shows the delusions of persecution and hints at exaggerated self-importance at some points in the story. She shows the exaggerated self importance when she felt disgusted that she had kissed her husband’s hand.She made it sound like she was above that and should have noticed his hand before she kissed it. She shows the other symptom the delusions of persecution throughout the story. “‘It’s as if i were lying on some animal’...horribly long and spatulate...the hand suddenly took on a vile, apelike appearance… ‘and i've kissed that hand how horrible! Haven’t I ever looked at it?’...Then she concealed her fear, bravely subdues herself”(Collette). The wife’s descriptions of the hand increase in intensity as the story progresses. She goes from describing the hand as large to describing it as vile and apelike. She then acts in fear of the hand at the end of the story and even thinks that she will start her life of duplicity now that she has seen the hand. This is a clear indicator of delusion of persecution, and two of the symptoms of paranoia are also seen by the

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