The Whiskey Rebellion: Cause, And After The American Revolution

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Vicente Villa
Dr. Frawley
HIST 1301.002 October 25, 2017

The Whiskey Rebellion
As the American Revolution ended and Americans freed themselves from the British, many Americans were left without money. After the American Revolution was won, the Founding Fathers including John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and lastly our first president George Washington helped create a new government, the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation were the first national government. This government had plenty of weaknesses, such as the need for unanimous votes, no direct power to tax, no ability to raise troops, and they were hard to amend. Along with those weaknesses came several rebellions …show more content…

The rebellion’s fact and information is very important to help understand American History. The Whiskey Rebellion is viewed now as the make or break situation for which was then the newly uprising government system, American Constitution, right after the American Revolution when the federal government was trying to make itself strong and powerful. So, for the Whiskey Rebellion to take place during this time was what lots of people call, “perfect timing”. This is said because had the Whiskey Rebellion not happened during this time and the government had not acted the way it did against the rebellion, we probably would never know how the government would be in today’s day and how America would be in this day. Washington was trying to stop the rebellion peacefully and with no violence whatsoever. However, by 1794 the protests became violent. In July, nearly 400 whiskey rebels near Pittsburgh set fire to the home of John Neville, the regional tax collection supervisor. This made Washington upset and furious he ordered the military to go up to Pennsylvania and destroy the rebellion and this horrifying event even made Washington put his military uniform once again to defeat the Whiskey Rebellion. Once Washington and his armed military arrived at Pennsylvania every protester in town disappear and basically surrender to Washington and his militia. With the surrender from the protesters this made the American government along …show more content…

The American government was able to destroy the rebellion, not by causing violence or killing anybody though, the way Washington and his government killed the rebellion was by marching down all the way to the protesters land and showing that the government was nobody to mess with. Once Washington and his military showed up to Pennsylvania the whole rebellion along with its protesters disappeared and told the government that they would start paying their taxes. The way the American government ended the rebellion shows to this day that the government meant business. That whenever the government said to do something they meant

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