The Virtue Ethics Of Bill Gates

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In society, many may know of William “Bill” H. Gates III, and his achievement with Microsoft through his successful ideals as a businessman. Prevalent and iconic men and women not only flourish in their careers, but also in the attention they spend on matters outside of their business and their contribution to society. Bill Gates presents a virtuous character, but one should understand his most prevalent virtue along with a vice that he has displayed to decide if he represents an ethical leader.
Bill Gates demonstrates magnificence as his well-known virtue and has displayed rashness as a vice. The behavior of magnificence in virtue ethics focuses on the habits of spending or getting of an individual relating to their character, …show more content…

One area that Gates shows his true virtue comes from his financial generosity. According to Okie (2006), since the union of the Gates’ in 1994, they have strived to focus on charity to the health of the world through the establishment of the William H. Gates Foundation. This foundation, later renamed the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, represents a resourceful and thoughtful move by Bill Gates as a successful businessman (Okie, 2006). This move resulted in the donation of billions of dollars of charitable giving in just the first ten years that reflected positively on his success in Microsoft (Okie, 2006). With the help of his friend, Paul Allen, Bill Gates started Microsoft with the vision of the future in computers and software development (Pittel, 2014). When examining the virtue of magnificence, one must understand the fine line between giving too much as an ethical leader or giving too little. When examining these potentials, one must explore the possibility that Gates gives too little in comparison to the vast amount of wealth in his …show more content…

According to Theodhosi (2000), at the young age of fifteen, he was able to recognize the possibility that the royalty basis used for payroll would present more financial gain than the traditional route. At nineteen years old, Gates recruited classmates and peers to aid him in setting up his first business with the flow of traffic charts. In this business, named “Traf-O-Data,” he charged much less than competitors (Theodhosi, 2000). This was one of the first moves as an entrepreneur that Gates displayed the vice of rashness, because he was making a risky move that showed the possibility of excess courage through deciding to approach a business model with an unprecedented method of gaining revenue (Theodhosi, 2000). The vice of rashness comes from the surplus of the virtue of courage, and the virtue of courage presents a moderate display of being bold (Brusseau, 2012). Gates showed more than a moderate display of boldness from this business move and continued his impulsive decision-making further with his decision on the release of the BASIC computer language at nineteen years old (Theodhosi, 2000). With the help of Paul Allen, Gates released the BASIC language of a personal computer and made the hasty decision of making a deal on the revenue through royalties on

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