The Vaulting Horse

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Vaulting is a very ancient sport which is known for having a strong desire for some of the oldest breeds such as, Arabain and early draught horse crosses. It is essentially gymnastics on horseback. The horse's’ job is to endure the force of the rider and remain calm throughout the performance. No matter what breed, the horse should have a very strong, short back to resist the force of the rider doing the tricks on horseback. The vaulting horse should look very similar, if not exactly like, the English disciplines. The breeds found in vaulting are most commonly crossed with draught horses for their strong back, bones, and endurance most commonly found in the draught breeds. These horses are desired to be about 15-17 hands tall (56-62 inches). Polo is a very popular sport and is …show more content…

It involves 50-500 mile races going through very vigorous landscapes including, deserts, mountains, and swamps. The most common breed found in the endurance discipline is the Arabian, the oldest and purest of the breeds. The horse needs to be extremely light. If the horse is not specifically bred for endurance, and is pushed too hard, it can easily become a life or death situation. The horse must have very fine, thin bones with small hooves to reduce the weight as much as possible. The most important characteristic found in the endurance horses is that they have a very, very deep heart girth which means that they have extremely large lungs to allow their air ways to be very open and clear with plenty of storage. The reason the Arabian is the most popular choice in the endurance world is that they were bred to race across the Arabian Desert (Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries) without food or water. This is a huge advantage because it means less stops along the competition course which saves time. It is best to consider asking an expert on the sport before attempting to participate in the

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