The Vanquisher: A Short Story

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Didn’t a familiar proverb indicate you could comprehend a person by peering into their eyes? Anxiously terrified I stared into the crevasse of their eyes. However, glaring towards their face prompted thoughts of a lifeless star, their mouth only an empty,gaping laceration. Transfixed in a position, their chest would not budge. Arranged in a praying position, his hands hoped to reach someone. Looming overhead their frame, a visage of death. Amid an array of thoughts, I imagined a tradition initiated by the Romans, taking the flags of the conquered and laying it at the feet of the vanquisher. Instead, their frame represented a flag, while standing overhead would be the Reaper, the Vanquisher. Could I call myself human when I couldn’t yield a …show more content…

Glaring into her eyes, feeling the torment whirl within her as she nears the end, she reminisced about her life. “When we were younger, me and Bo would play hide and seek in the forest. In North Carolina, huge forests sprawled across acres of land, and I remember we found this watermelon patch not far from our house. We’d go down there and take watermelons along with any other fruit we see and run away before an old man would come out with his gun ha-ha! We’d do this for so many summers that man just started having a section of his farm just for us!” Evoked Bo’s sister. All I mustered, a light smirk, however, it only served as a facade as I listened to her story continuously I felt myself wanting to fracture into thousands of pieces. After hours of her recollection of the past, I trudged towards Bo’s room. Peeking inside, I could see cans of food with labels of the expiration dates written in sharpie scattered amid the room. Displayed on his wall, his pieces of artwork of caricatures of an assortment of creatures with phrases plucked from the bible gave his room an ambience of serenity. Though amongst his artwork were abstract pieces, filled to the brim with hearts with sayings such as, “I LOVE U GUYS FOREVER”, with my family’s name at the bottom. Biting my lip, I wanted to wail out loud, but I felt as if I couldn’t at all. Feeling dizzy, I leaned against the wall, panting heavily as …show more content…

You’d think being carbon copies, a yearning would spark between the both of you, yet, an old proverb materializes in my mind and reminds me of the lukewarm truth, affection and compatibility do not correlate. Fully remembering what transpired during the trip to visit Bo, nestled in the corner of the backseat. Squarely transfixed on my iPhone, I’d wait patiently to notice my phone’s screen to illuminate with a text message from her. Meeting at the beginning of 7th grade, I grew an affection for her, an individual who had read Anna Karenina, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and a variety of other classics, who analyzed politics and would earnestly chat about it, willing to venture into the philosophy of life and daily tasks. We’d developed a closer tie, texting constantly as we relished conversing with each other on a daily basis, every day we would find ourselves in 6 hour conversation.Developing tenderness for her was through her tribulations. Confronting similar dilemmas bonded us, and we’d share our stories with each other, our own wistful lives. Throughout the journey to Bo’s, we’d exchange a flurry of texts; I could relive our conversations anytime during that trip. An exchange of torment, of connecting with an individual, of not sensing the idea of being solely within the abyss. Shunning an idea such as being alone is part of humanity, for who could ever remember us when were lifeless? With this particular friend, we

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