The Value Of Values In Nursing Leadership

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Guided by values of Safety, Integrity, and Commitment. Excellence, and Caring, nurse leaders deliver quality services and innovative solutions for patients in every situation, personally and professionally. They transform vision into reality. Everything they do reflect these values, and they constantly strive to improve them. Safety is non-negotiable. Because of nurse leader's perspective on the causes of errors and their prevention, they are an indispensable part of a multidisciplinary team that finds innovative solutions to improve safety that ultimately benefits the patient. Integrity means just that: Everything we do is done with fairness, compassion, respect, courage and much more. Professional integrity is modeled and mentored during the educational process and provides a foundation for practice that will be sustained for the duration of the nurse leader's career. Commitment is not fancy—it’s either there or it’s not. Nurse leaders keep their word and deliver what they promise. Nurse leaders wear their commitment to the quality of health care like a badge. Commitment requires accountability, creativeness, and a positive attitude. Excellence is what a nurse leader strives for in all that they do. Excellence advances the scope and practice of nurse leaders by promoting standards of the nurse practice, contribute to the knowledge base, and advocates implementation and upgrading of the standards of practice. Caring lies in its moral foundation. Caring validates both the nurse learder and the patient as human. Caring is one the most critical ingredients for health, human development, human relatedness, well-being, and survival. These core values all combine to produce excellent people and excellent results within ... ... middle of paper ... ...rses work in an environment is forever changing. The one thing that I will not change is my dedication to excellence through ethics, standards, and best practices. My commitment to the health care profession is to provide excellent care for my patients. I will work to help manage patients with their illnesses, prevent disease, and promote a health lifestyle. We are health care educators and advocates for patients, families and communities. There is a mix of flexibility, opportunity and job security offered by nursing not currently found in any other profession, which allows me to rotate among different employment settings. I choose this profession to help the ones in need and improve the quality of life for others. There are so many areas of nursing out there, but all these areas overlap and the more I learn and absorb, the better nurse leader I will become.

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