The Use Of Humor In Art Spiegelman's Maus

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In Art Spiegelman’s Maus, the audience is led through a very emotional story of a Holocaust survivor’s life and the present day consequences that the event has placed on his relationship with the author, who is his son, and his wife. Throughout this novel, the audience constantly is reminded of how horrific the Holocaust was to the Jewish people. Nevertheless, the novel finds very effective ways to insert forms of humor in the inner story and outer story of Maus. Although the Holocaust has a heart wrenching effect on the novel as a whole, the effective use of humor allows for the story to become slightly less severe and a more tolerable read. In novels with delicate topics, such as the Holocaust, small glimpse of humor help detach the reader …show more content…

When the story of Vladek is not being told, the reader often sees the relationship between the author, Art, and his father. For the most part, these instances are often disagreements between the father and son. Because Vladek thought Art’s jacket was raggy and unacceptable, he threw it in the garbage and gave him a new, up to date, jacket: “Such an old shabby coat. It’s a shame my son would wear such a coat! ... “I have for you a warmer one. I got at Alexander’s a new jacket, and I can give you my old one; It’s still like new” (69). Despite the fact that Art is not very pleased with his father throwing away his jacket, the reader can find humor due to the fact that Vladek thinks that the jacket is so torn up and old, not actually realizing that the style of jacket is a part of Arts culture, therefore it is how Art wants to look. Another instance in which the father and son divide happens is when Vladek compares his son to the famous cartoonist, Walt Disney: “Yah. Someday you’ll be famous. Like what’s-his-name...You know... the big-shot cartoonist... Walt Disney!” (133). Even though Art takes offense to this because he and Walt Disney are not the same type of cartoonist, the reader can find humor in this because Vladek is oblivious to the difference between what Art does versus what Walt Disney

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