The United Nations Resolution Needed for Private Military Contractors

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On September 16th of 2007, shortly after noon, in a place called Nisour Square located in the Mansour District in the Iraq capital of Baghdad, a heavily armed Blackwater Personnel Security Detail convoy consisting of four armored vehicles mounted with 7.62-millimeter machine guns made its way through the square as Iraqi traffic officers tried to control the busy traffic (Zagorin, Bennet, 2007) . Between the convoy getting special traffic rules to prevent attacks and the square being a heavy traffic area something went wrong and Blackwater personnel from all four vehicles opened fire on numerous civilian vehicles. “When it was all over we were looking around and about fifteen cars had been destroyed, the bodies of the killed were strewn on the pavements and road.” Thiab one of the traffic officers recalled (Schahill, 2008).When the convoy cleared the area the “shootout” left 17 Iraqi civilians dead and 20 injured. These actions lead to an outrage not only in the Iraq but also the Arab community. While this wasn’t Blackwater’s first time making global headlines, this time was definitely the worst to date. It came to look so bad on the United States government that it was taken to trial in American court, and on January 1st of 2010 all charges were dismissed, both against those contractors involved in this terrible incident but also to company itself. In this paper we will be looking at first a brief history of mercenaries so we can see where Private Military Contractors originate from and what the world has done to try to end such use of these warriors for hire. Next we will look at these groups themselves, what sort of work they do. Finally we will look at why their work is so controversial. To fully understand the PMC issue... ... middle of paper ... ...ary contractor (Raymond, 2011).” The case was fought for the defense started out by saying that the contractors were exempt from the “laws of war”. When it was determined that these cases could not be considered as “combat” the defense coined a new term, “battlefield preemption”. This term was made to eliminate any civil lawsuits taken against any contractors that take place on any “battlefield”. This was seen as outrages since thanks to the “War on Terror” anything could be deemed a battlefield even if it was not located within a warzone. This was inpart to the fact that the US’s ever expanding war made anyone, anywhere could be a target the battlefield would be as limitless as the immunities they were trying to grant with the creation of this term. Then at the start of 2013 a fraction of the deserved justice was served to those whom these crimes were committed on.

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