The Unfair Treatment Of African Americans In The 1930's

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Every time period has it’s difficulties. There’s always events or people that come along that cause us to remember a certain time. The 1930’s was definitely a time we all remember. We know it as a time that was very difficult for people everywhere in America. The Great Depression greatly impacted people. It was also a time where African Americans didn't have much freedom and they were always treated more poorly than the whites. The 1930’s was a hard time period for Americans everywhere because of the Great Depression, little freedom for African Americans, and segregation. During the Great Depression, life was not as easy as it once was. Many people were out of jobs and prices on things went down, therefore making it harder for people to make money. In a poem written by Donald Justice it says, “We gathered on porches; the moon rose; we were poor.” Money was a huge struggle during this time, causing a lot of
Racism was very big in the 1930’s. In an excerpt from The Help written by Kathryn Stockett, it says “Sit down on your behind, Minney, because I'm about to tell you the rules for working for a white lady.” During this time, many white people had African Americans working for them. They would treat them unfairly and had so many harsh rules, just because they were black. “You use the same cup, same fork, same plate everyday. Keep it in a separate cupboard and tell that white woman that’s the one you'll use from here on out” (Stockett, 1). If you worked for a white person, you had to use your things everyday, and if you got caught laying a hand on a white persons things, you'd be out on the street. African Americans weren't even allowed to share the same toilet as a white person, as it says “Don't ever let that white lady find you sitting on her toilet” (Stockett, 1). In the 1930’s, African Americans were treated so unfairly and racism was a very big

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