The Ubiquitous Media

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The Ubiquitous Media

The news media is an ubiquitous presence in our times. Whether it is the switching of a television channel, turning a radio dial, signing on the Internet, or glancing at a newspaper, the media is present. It is a social infrastructure that was created to inform citizens of happenings, but has now become a multi-billion dollar association of corporations and advertising agencies. The real price of the media is incalculable because of how it shapes and molds our views of the world. This influence for the most part is positive and horizon expanding but may have negative connotations.

The news media is limitless. It provides for me all the basic factual information I need in order to be an informed citizen. By reading a newspaper or watching the evening news, I gain a wider view of the world. My opinions are formed partly by the news because of the facts given. My viewpoints are not formed entirely by the news media though; there is a definite difference between believing and simply listening.

Some of America tends to be easily inf...

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