The Two Types Of Kpopers And Sasaeng Fans

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There are two types of Korean music fans: Kpopers or K-pop fans and Sasaeng Fans. These two separate groups share many similarities; however, their differences are what separate them completely on the sane to psychotic meter. Kpopers, or K-pop fans for short, is a person who likes and listens to Korean Music. The “pop” in those words does not mean that said person limits themselves to only pop style music; it is just a term used to group all of them together. A Sasaeng fan (사생팬) are overly obsessed K-pop fans. The word sasaeng is a shortened form of the word sasaenghal (사생활) which means “privacy”. So sasaeng fan literal means “privacy fan”. Though Sasaeng’s are technically not considered “fans” at all, they are still called as such.
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Although, Kpoppers do want to marry their favorite celebrities (who would not want to be able to marry their favorite celebrity?) they know, unlike Sasaeng fans, that the chance of that happening is highly unlikely. Both Kpoppers and Sasaeng fans are between the ages of early teens to any other age. There is not really a specific age where you have to stop liking or listening to Korean music. However, sasaeng behavior is seen more in girls in their early to late teens. I think that girls in their early teen years are very impressionable and naïve; Idol’s will tell them things like “you are the only ones for me” or “I love my fans the most” or “ I will never date.” When they hear things like that, the ones that do not have strong minds, will believe them. So when they said idols do start to date, Sasaengs will openly show dissatisfaction and displeasure about it, even threatening to kill themselves if the relationship is not broken off. The boundary line between what is right and what is wrong is not blurred for Sasaengs. They just choose to ignore them and instead blame their actions on

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