The Two Minute Drill Book Report

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The Two Minute Drill is one of the best books I have read. The first time I read this book it wasn’t that good but then I read it I liked it a lot more. I like the book because I can relate to it. I think I think that I am like Chris Conlan that helps Scott get better at football and to stick up for people. The book teaches me to stick up for other people and to help others. I think I am like Chris is because I help lots of people get better at things. This book is about how this kid is nerdy and clumsy and he turns into a good football player. I can relate to that because I have couple friends that were kinda nerdy and clumsy. They wanted to play football so they joined the team. So in practice, I helped them get better and now they are a good football player. I helped lots of people get better at football. But it doesn’t have to be football. I can help with homework, chores, and other things I can help with. I help my brother all the time with getting ready for a game, with his homework, I even help my friends with things. I’m not saying that I am a star QB like Chris but I am good at football. …show more content…

One of the parts I like of the book is when he stands up for Scott. I think I am like Chris that helps Scott and stood up for him. I think so because I stand up for my brother all the time. If he gets in a fight I help him out if kids are making fun of him I help him out. Even my friends I don’t have to help them or stand up for them very much but if I do I would. If someone makes fun of them behind there back I’d say knock it off. I was probably in third grade and this kid was being bullied and I walked over there and told them to stop. I was bigger than him so I was pretty sure that he was going to stop. If he didn’t I would just tell a teach or just tell the kid to walk away. So he stopped and walked away. Even if a stranger was being bullied or being made fun of I would probably help

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