The Truman Show Character Analysis

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As human beings, it is in our nature to change. We are always in a state of constant change and we are always evolving. Throughout the span of our lives, we are always being put through obstacles and circumstances that make us push our limits further and further. Horace was correct when he stated that adversity helps find inner strength because hardships are the catalysts that help human beings grow. Human beings are like this because we are always going through trauma, we are always getting hurt, we are always going through pain. However, we never just sit down and dwell upon the past because we are always moving forward in our lives, looking forward to the next day and as a result, we are able to find the dormant talent that Horace speaks of in his quote. Our daily lives are constantly filled with hard adversities that help us grow and build character. These adversities can range from economical and financial issues to family misfortunes. These life altering events help people tap into their hidden talent and pull out strength that they did not know existed. Many actors in the entertainment businesses may seem to be perfect and flawless, however, a lot of …show more content…

However, while he was younger, Carrey used to live with his family in a van. Jim, three other children and their two parents were all living in a Volkswagen Camper van while they all worked security and janitorial jobs at a factory. This adversity made Carrey tap into his dormant talents and gather the strength and courage to pursue his career in comedy. Without the desire to bring an income in for his family because of their hardships and adversities, Carrey would have never been so motivated and determined to work so hard in comedy. Eliciting his deepest talents, Carrey is now a well known actor who brings laughter and joy to many families across

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