The Trolley Problem: Deontology And Utilitarian Ethics

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Introduction People live in different parts of the world where virtues exist leading to ethical decision making. This most often involves dealing with the self or the other and one needs to be aware of taking an individualistic approach where the person is responsible for his or her decision making, and consider how it affects the self, rather than the other. Sometimes, the analysis deals with whether the proposed behaviour promotes value in one person or at the expense of the value of a few people. I am going to discuss the Trolley Problem in analyzing deontology and utilitarian ethics in justifying principals, moral rules and who wins. Ethics It is hard when it comes to decision making when determining what is right or wrong. Ethics is very hard to define depending on an individual or what family and friends think and can be viewed as a standard of rights and wrongs that spell out what people should and …show more content…

These are the standards we establish from hurting others because in our beliefs hurting others is wrong. From an individual standpoint, ethics can be described as our own established standards of right and wrong. The issue at hand is that everyone’s idea about what is ethical are different. There are certain situation where we know something is wrong such as shooting an armed robber suddenly becomes right to an individual when they threaten to hurt the family. Deontology From a deontology perspective, it is believed its doing what is right because its right. It is not concerned necessarily with impacts or weighing out what might happen. It is simply stating something is right and proceeding to do it. The first argument for deontology is that it is universal and applies to everyone and everywhere at all times and we all have a sense of what is good or bad. An example

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