The Trickster Paul Radin

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In the battle between good versus evil, good normally comes out on top. When it comes to trickster that divide is very unclear. In different myth, religions, and cultures, trickster are perceived to be the sign of evil. By examining different books and articles, the audience can see that trickster are not just viewed as the villain, but in some cases they can be the hero as well. The word trickster refers to a dishonest, cunning, even deceptive person or thing. The form of a trickster tend to change based on a certain religion, culture, or myth, it can be an animal or a person. In The Trickster Paul Radin defines trickster as “at one and the same time creator and destroyer, giver and negator, he who dupes others and who is always duped himself. …show more content…

He created the idea in Eve’s mind that she was of course able to eat the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, but he also knew of the curse of the world that it would herald; hence being a creator and destroyer. He gave Eve security in her decision even when he knew of the consequences. As seen throughout the Bible in many other parables, the devil, who comes in many different form and elements, shows no regard for the people he effects. His main purpose, as stated in John 10:10, is to “…steal, and to kill, and to destroy…” (King James Version, John 10:10). Now in some cases, Eve can be perceived to be a trickster because of the way she had to influence Adam to eat for the Forbidden Tree of Knowledge. Knowing God’s would be displeased with her, she disobeyed him once again getting Adam to partake in the indulging of the apple. This showed people that even the Eve cared and loved Adam trickster can come in the form of friends, family, even …show more content…

Delilah, lover of Samson, is a well-known tale about a woman of greed who tricks her lover into a behavior that grants her money. In the book of Judges, chapters 13-16, the Bible explains this as a love story gone wrong. The Philistine used Samson’s love for a beautiful, Delilah, to trick him into exposing his “true” weakness. Delilah, technically the philistines, wanted to know what Samson’s secret to his strength was. The Lord told Samson to never tell what made him so strong. The temptress, Delilah, played as an uncover spy taking back whatever Samson said would make him weak to the ruler of the Philistines. Delilah’s main purpose in this was to lie and deceive Samson, two main conation directly related to the definition of trickster. She nagged and nagged saying, “How can you say, ‘I love you’, when you won’t confide in me?” (King James Version, Judges 16:15) Knowing the consequences and the repercussions of his action Samson shared his knowledge with her, “No razor has ever been used on my head, because I have been a Nazirite dedicated to God from my mother’s womb. If my head were shaved, my strength would leave me, and I would become as weak as any other man.” (King James Version, Judges 16:17) That night Delilah waited till Samson fell asleep and shaved his head, causing God to leave him. For his disobeying God Samson was caught and his eyes were gauge out, Delilah was never to be

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