The Treasure Of Lemon Brown Character Analysis

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At one point of our lives we all thought our parents were annoying or didn't understand us, we may even still that way. We all heard that god-forbid phrase, "When I was your age.", but we all forgot our parents were once like us. We all think that they are just blabbing nonsense, but most of the time it is true. In the two short stories, "Rules of the Game" and "The Treasure of Lemon Brown", the two main characters face conflicts with their parents. In the end they learn valuable lessons.

Greg can be very stubborn. When he got in a fight with his father, Greg didn't go back inside like his father told him. Instead he ran away to an abandoned building welcoming himself in. A sign of curiosity. To support these traits, the lines from the dialogue is, "Instead …show more content…

It was very clever on her part. At the beginning of the story Waverly proved to be very obedient towards her mother. When she and her mother went through the store that sold salted plums, her mother told her "bite back her tongue" which she did so. Later through the story Waverly proved to be very snobby. She kicked out her brothers from their room, because "it was too noisy and she couldn't think", to the couch in the living room.

Despite their differences in personality, Waverly and Greg do have a lot in common. It was obvious that both Greg and Waverly have problems with their parents, because they expected more from them. Because of their parents expectations both of their children ran away from their homes. Although their parents motives weren't understood by neither of them, the readers understood that the parents wanted to exploit their child's talents.

Even though Greg and Waverly's parents wanted to use their talents as much as possible, their authority was becoming too overwhelming for their children causing a negative reaction. But in the end Greg and Waverly learned valuable lessons at the

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