The Trap Of Advertising Advertisement

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The Trap of Advertising
Advertising within the media has been a staple part of how consumerism works, it has been around for as long as the notion of reading and writing. However, it wasn’t until the early twentieth century that it became so mainstreamed across the america. Due to the creation of the television, motion pictures quickly became the most beloved thing in American. Instead of reading or listening to the radio, in those days it was revolutionary and became the newest form of media. Advertisers quickly jumped on board, with the rise of Hollywood and mainstream media it became a booming industry. All of a sudden, everything changed within the american culture and the rise of commercialism. Women however, unfortunately have been the unwilling victims and targets in such a market.
The formula for selling a product has always been the same, present the perfect version of what to sell and then create a connection with the target audience. The only thing that changes is the product and the environment that it 's in. Television took this to a whole new scale that hadn’t been seen before, they have glamorized everything to perfection. Not just the products but the people in the advertisements, this became the embodiment of everything someone needed to be in order to be successful in life. The industry created the concept of how both women and men should be within the new modern world. Especially on how women needed to be which was passive, motherly and sexuallly pleasing in order to be attractive to men.. Amanda Leigh explains all of this in great detail in her article, The Media 's Dangerous Influence on Body Image.
Advertisements of women are almost always sexual, yet also demonizes women for being too promiscuous. The wome...

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...s of young kids, while companies will collect millions of dollars in the meantime.
By bringing awareness about advertising and how it affects an audience is critical to help keep anyone from getting swept into what it 's trying to sell. The truth is much uglier than what it appears to be, but by teaching kids about the effects will help them understand the difference between a glamorized version of their desires. Most advertising effects the subconscious person and by being aware you 're much less likely to fall into the trap they set for you. Overall, advertising knows how to manipulate people into believing what it 's trying to sell, most of the times it 's not just the product but how to interact within society with the product. This creates such a disillusion for not only different genders but race, sexuality, age and many other aspects of someone 's identity.

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