The Transtheoretical Model: The Stages Of Behavior Change Model

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The stages of Behavior Change Model is also known as the transtheoretical model, which defines behavioral change as a process that goes through different stages or steps. Each step depicts different “levels of motivation or readiness to change.” This model looks at five different stages of change. 1. Precontemplation: Individuals have no intention of adopting a recommended health behavior but are learning about it 2. Contemplation: In which individuals are considering adopting the recommended behavior 3. Decision: In which people decide to adopt the recommended health behavior 4. Action: In which people try to adopt the recommended behavior for a short period of time 5. Maintenance: In which people continue to perform the recommended health …show more content…

This model is a tool for designing communication objectives, messages and strategies. A person looking to quit smoking over a period of time would use this model to reach their goal. 1. Precontemplation: An individual is fed messages about the health risks that come with being a daily smoker. This individual is fed messages about the dangers of secondhand smoke. They are also lectured on heart disease, cancer and other common diseases that smoking would cause. They would also be shown the benefits of quitting smoking. 2. Contemplation: The individual considers cutting back on cigarette or tobacco intake. They even think about potentially quitting. 3. Decision: The same individual decides they will attempt to quit smoking. 4. Action: The same individual decides to quit smoking for a short period of time. 5. Maintenance: The same individual continues to quit smoking for a long period of time (more than six months) and incorporates this into their routine and lifestyle. Communication for Persuasion …show more content…

Achieving any these steps is strictly contigent on success at all prior steps. Message design, messenger credibility, communication channels and the charactersitics of both intended audiences and the recommended behavior, which is intended to fit peoples lives and influence behavioral outcomes. McGuires steps for persuasion provide a valid framework for approaching key groups and their involvement along with input regarding health issues. Communicators should keep in mind that key values change and should incorpate changes in communication planning and evaluation depending on peoples lifestyles, perferences and

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