The Toad-Personal Narrative

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Today was a very long day at school, it was the worst day ever. Well that was until I got off the bus. I walked down the stairs of the bus and flop I fell right on my face and my I popped out. I stuck my eye back into my head and I saw a small toad on the ground. It was the most ugly thing I’ve ever seen. I decided to keep it and I named it Mr Kelly or Mr Toad for short. When I named the toad I was thinking of my teacher Mr Kelly because him and the toad are both extremely ugly and they both have dry bumpy skin on their backs. So I picked up the toad and I started walking home. On my way home I walked by my neighbour Gillan. Gillan ran at me and started to lick me and Mr. toad so I took a dirty diaper and Chuck did at Gillans head and ran away as fast as I could. …show more content…

When I finally got home I went to go ask my mom if I could keep the toad. At this very moment the most amazing thing ever happened the toad asked my mom “you got any soup”. My mom screamed and threw the TV at me. I ducked just in time and I dived out the window with my backpack and Mr Toad. At that very moment I knew we weren’t wanted on this earth so I knew what we had to do or did I? I put Mr Toad on my shoulder and started to run to the old abandon NASA workstation. When we were halfway there the toad pissed on my shoulder so I had to stop in Walmart to get new sweater and T-shirt. Mr Toad and I walked into Walmart and I felt like I was forgetting something but I still continued searching for some clothes. It wasn’t until I went to purchase the clothes what I found out what I was forgetting. Gillan works at Walmart. I tried to avoid him but as soon as I stepped in the lineup he pulled out a dozen pineapples and started throwing them at me and Mr

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