The Tiny House Movement

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The tiny house movement is quickly spreading across America. Many people are discovering the simple, less materialistic life of owning a tiny home. Such people are finding that tiny homes are the best form of living because it is cost effective, environmentally friendly, and energy efficient. They boast the beginning of an adventure filled life, without the stress of modern living. One major benefit of owning a tiny home is the financial freedom. "For most Americans 1/3 to 1/2 of their income is dedicated to the roof over their heads; this translates to 15 years of working over your lifetime just to pay for it, and because of it 76% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck" (Henion ¶2). Many people; therefore, are transitioning into the simplistic life of being a tiny home owner. The cost benefits begin at construction. "The average cost to build a tiny house is $23,000 if built by the owner. The average cost of a standard-sized …show more content…

"Sixty-eight percent of tiny house people have no mortgage, compared to 29.3% of all U.S. homeowners" (Henion ¶6). By choosing the tiny life, it eliminates the financial burden of mortgages. Even retired baby boomers are moving away from traditional homes because of the high maintenance and endless mortgages (Patel ¶4). "Approximately 2 out of 5 tiny home owners are over 50 years of age" (Henion ¶11). The other financial issue many Americans face is taxes. The only taxes tiny home owners pay is for land properties and other minor fees (Patel ¶5). An example of a minor fee is the heating and cooling for a tiny home. It all depends on the electrical demand on the house. The owner of the home could be producing their own electricity or someone could be supplying them (Downes ¶7). No matter the case, the taxes are affordable and the mortgage is non-existent. When it comes down to it, tiny homes are the cost effective

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