The Time Traveler's Wife Essay

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If you are looking for a thrilling, exciting, and absurd adventure, I recommend reading The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. This book explores the life of Henry and his wife Clare. Henry travels all throughout time and is able to witness his wife when she was young, old, and everywhere in between. I have rated this book an eight out of ten. I did so as a result of the fact that I did not admire how the story kept jumping around and how the book ended. One element I love about this book is how it portrays the story in each person’s point of view. It will open with Henry’s viewpoint and then switch over to Clare's and continue back and forth. This makes the book so much more fascinating due to receiving all aspects of what the person is thinking and their reactions. It can also grant you with new pieces of information that you did not apprehend before. For example, when Clare and Henry greet each other again for the first time in forever. Clare walked in thinking about how handsome Henry was and how they had met earlier in her lifetime. However, on the flip side of things, Henry does not know who she is. He has no memory of ever meeting her and he is now panicking at the thought of him promising something that he is now unaware of. After some …show more content…

With The Time Traveler’s Wife, this was not the case. This book did a great deal of skipping around, which I did not appreciate. I understand Niffenegger’s reasoning behind it, but it made the storys bewildering. In the first chapter, Henry is at the age of 28 and Clare is 20. However, in future chapters, Henry becomes 36 and Clare is 6. I followed along with the fact that he was time traveling, but when the story kept going back and forth between one time zone to another, I quickly became perplexed and disoriented. Although this story was superb, I wish Niffenegger would have manufactured the story to flow a little better so I was not as

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