The Thing In The Forest Symbolism

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There was two little girls who witnessed and/or imagined an unforgettable horror, “the thing in the forest.” The Thing in the Forest, through a certain perspective, could symbolize war and what went on. It could also represent the tragedies that the children all saw during the war. The reason I think why it would symbolize the war is because there are some objectifying evidence that creates a point of why it could as it says in the story “because of the war, lived in amputated or unreal families’ (Byatt 330). Thus, this explains that there was something going on in the girls lives and other children who were from their part of the country. Concluding all the textual evidence I can tie my theory of what this story symbolizes as World War II, death, and the thing in the forest is gas chambers or something horrifying things that they saw that happen during the war. Within the story it starts off as the girls, Primrose and Penny are already older and they are reuniting to the place that they have met at. Explaining what they saw in the forest when they were young. When they …show more content…

“Primrose said “funny really, that there was all that history, but no sign that they, the children, that was, had ever been there. (Byatt 332) Which comes into text that the other children could have disappeared away into the forest into the gas chamber and have died. They decided to go back into the forest to recover what they have saw as young girls. Penny discovers small bones as said “She comes out at a place she suddenly recognizes, and finds some “small bones” (Byatt 3). The small bones that they discovered could be from their friend Aly or any other children that has disappeared into the forest. Bones are a symbolization that Aly or one of the other children was taken into the gas

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