The Themes Of Big Brother In George Orwell's 1984

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Furthermore, In 1984 Winston uses the Brotherhood book to learn how to destroy Big Brother and ultimately gains control. As Winston is learning about what Brotherhood is, he is showing contentment for the rebellious act that is taking place by him. “The blissful feeling of being alone with the forbidden book… had not worn off… The book reassured him…”(177). The information that he is reading in the book gives him trust, hope and motive to eradicate Big Brother. This shows the extent Winston goes to risk his life so he can overthrow Big Brother and live a life with books, individualism and not worry about doublethink and thoughtcrime. However, although Winston is able to rebel and gain control of what he is doing with his life for a period of …show more content…

In the end of the novel, O’Brien tells Winston why they brainwash all the rebels; he says, “It’s intolerable to us that an erroneous thought should exist anywhere in the world… Even in the instant death we cannot permit deviation”(227). He then goes on to instil pain and O’Brien, holding up four fingers asks Winston “There are five fingers, do you see five fingers? “Yes” (230). These are clear evidence that in the end, Winston is being told that his death will not promote any unorthodox behaviour in the eyes of big brother. Any member of Oceania will die as a believer of Big Brother and with manipulation and torture, Winston does succumb to the control of the oppressing government and fails to be in power of his own …show more content…

Winston and Guy are in deprivation of books and having individual thoughts because of their government’s control. However, both find ways to rebel against their government to gain access to information so they can be in power of their own life. Winston writes in his diary as a means of defying Big Brother since anything that is done without the consent of Big Brother can result into death. However, Winston uses this information to find joy because for once in his life he is able to do something in his life that he chooses to do, ignoring the consequences. Also, he uses the Brotherhood book to find happiness and control. Guy steals and reads books to find control in his own life as it gives him the ability to think outside of the average thoughts of a citizen in a totalitarian government. Additionally, Guy is able to find people that give him knowledge on books to teach others and live a fearless life. In the end, Winston succumbs to the oppression and does not find control due to the torture and brainwashing methods that are infused. However, Guy is able to fight and succeed to essentially be reborn into a place where he is surrounded by books, thoughts and individualism, which gives him the full control over his own life and

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