The Theme Of Happiness In The Film, Inside Out '

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Emotions. Everyone experiences them. No matter how old you are, or where you are from we all have emotions; however, we all experience them differently. My happiness is different than your happiness and what you find sad, I might see it as being angry. Emotions are powerful, and sometimes it feels at times that they take control of us. In our culture, there are lot of norms of what is supposed to be expected with our emotions. It is expected in the United States to be in a state of happiness. Going to the opposite side there has been a big rise in Depression, especially among young adults. For one it is normally expected that you feel one way or another way toward something. Emotions are hard to capture, even more so they are very difficult to put into picture. The film Inside Out, however, is able to break down emotion so that even younger kids can better understand them. Parallelism exists a lot between Inside Out and the American idea of how we are supposed to feel. The film, Inside Out, shares parallels to the United States, as it symbolizes the importance of feeling more than one emotion, it shows the effect of depression among the youth, and the sense to always feel happy.
American Culture expects us to be in a constant state of happiness. This concept stems from the idea that America is the golden land, the land filled with …show more content…

That is what some people would describe being depressed as. Depression is a huge issue for many in America, but it is an issue that is sometimes overlooked by the media. Particularly, there has been a rise in depression among young adults. Part of that is due to social media and how you are being perceived to others. While Inside Out does not specifically tackles depression head on, towards the end of the movie it is observed that Riley was depressed and it could have gone a lot worse if things did not get

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