The Texans Role In The Civil War

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Do you ever wonder why the Texans actually fought in the Civil War? In 1861,the Civil war took place. It was against the North and the South of the United States. Texans fought in the Civil War because they wanted to keep slavery, they wanted to keep their state’s rights, and because they loved Texas. One reason why Texans fought in the Civil War is because they wanted to keep slavery. On November 23, 1962, John Wesley Rabb, a Texan who fought in the Civil War, wrote in his letter, “If the Yanks come, maybe you had better send the negros up in the mountains….” (Doc D.) Rabb was trying to explain to his mother that if the Yanks came, she should send the slaves up the mountain to some place safe. This shows that the South wanted to keep their …show more content…

On January 28, 1861, O.M. Roberts, president of the Texas Secession Convention, said in a speech that, “The true theory of our (national) government as an association of sovereignties (independent states), and not a blended mass of people in one social compact.” (Doc C.) Roberts was trying to explain to the audience that states should be able to have rights, and not be a big bundle of people in one social compact. This shows that Texans fought in the Civil War to preserve states’ rights. Finally, Texans fought in the Civil War because they loved Texas. John Wesley Rabb, a Texan who fought in the Civil War for Texas, wrote in one of his excerpts, “Tell Lissy not to talk to me about marrying up here, for if I ever do marry it will be in Texas, i think.” (Doc D.) Rabb was trying to explain that if he ever did marry, he would want it to be in the sweet land of Texas. This shows that he loved Texas and I’m sure many other volunteers that fought in the Civil War loved Texas as well. If the Texans didn’t like Texas, why would they even bother to fight. There were many different reasons as to why the Texans fought in the Civil War. Just a few of them is that they wanted to preserve states rights, keep slavery, and because they loved Texas. This was why the Texans fought in the Civil War. Not all agreed, and not all got along, but together they managed to make

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