The Tell-Tale Heart Reliability

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The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe is written in an unreliable first-person point of view, which is what ultimately drives this shocking story. It creates an eerie mood and challenges the reader to follow along a rather intriguing view of the world. Without the first-person point of view, this story would not have been interesting, due to a lack of proper narration of the character’s thoughts and fears. It is debatable whether or not certain stories could be written in different point of views as their original, but The Tell-Tale Heart could have been written in no other than first-person point of view. As Gotham Writers Workshop explains, “This narrator has extraordinary limitations and her version of the facts is not to be trusted” (Steele …show more content…

As the textbook states, “In Poe's story the narrator's madness leaves the reader off balance, unable to distinguish between the narrator's delusions and reality” (Steele 84). Getting the reader involved in the story and actually giving them a task, which is to follow two “versions of the story,” gives them a much more intriguing experience. While following a simple, straight forward story, the reader may begin to lose interest. An author should want to keep the reader’s interest throughout the entire story, keeping them on the edge of their seats. Reality and delusions are mixed between each other several times throughout the novel. For example, the novel states that “I knew that he knew that I was there. He did not see me there. He could not hear me there. He felt me there. Now he knew that Death was standing there” Poe (Poe 65). Following this unreliable narration is a challenge, which is what readers enjoy. Too many stories just walk the reader through a simple scenario and eventually inform the reader what happens as a result of the previous scenes. With stories such as this, readers are much more engaged in the action and are likely to complete the entire book and desire more. Having two versions of a story to follow and

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