The System of Checks and Balances

571 Words2 Pages

There are many important parts to the constitution, but the system of checks and balances is one that is very necessary. With checks and balances, each of the three branches of government can limit the powers of the others, making sure that neither branches become too powerful. There are three branches of government: The Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, and Judicial Branch. The Legislative Branch is responsible for making laws and is made up of the Congress and agent agencies. Congress has two parts, Senate and House of Representatives. Each Senate and House of Representatives have special jobs. Senates can say yes or no to any treaties that the president makes, they can hold a trial for a government official that may have done something wrong, and also say yes or no to any citizens the president recommends for jobs. Moreover, we have The House of Representatives. Representation is based on the number of people living in each state. There are a total of 435 representatives in the House. Each member represents an area of the state, also known as a congressional district. Represe...

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