The Struggle With Divorce In Nancy Coleman's Fall

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In Nancy Coleman’s short story “Fall”, a single mom of two is trying to make ends meet after her divorce. She explains the scene as, “The sky is gray, the air brisk, the leaves long gone from apple trees and woods.” (Coleman, 42). She explains her family tradition of making pumpkin chowder with her children and how she is “Borrowing strength from both.” (Coleman, 42). Indicating that she stays strong because of her kids’ enthusiasm. The mother appears to have a challenging time staying enthusiastic and often seems depressed due to her previous divorce. Annie, her daughter, explains how Alex fell down a well and in a quick turn of events, the mother risks her life to save her son. She continues and explains how, “Alex does not swim. Water has been a problem for him since the beginning =, when he slipped out of my womb with a lung full of fluid that left no room for air.” (Coleman, 43). Miraculously, Alex is saved and rushed into the house. The mother calls her ex-husband who meets them and is at the door in minutes. She explains how the memories of when they were together come back in an instant and how “My stomach twists with the memory of his eyes when they loved me the most.” (Coleman, 43). The mother imagines her family as whole again, seeing her …show more content…

She illustrates how they are cozy, warm and comfortable in the house but there is a sense of something missing. On the surface, the situation seems comfortable, happy and good but underlying is the feeling of loneliness, depression and coldness. The mother’s feeling contrasts very well with the outside environment being cold, dead and quiet. As the ex-husband comes back, the mood changes entirely. The mother describes the house as a “Warm kitchen on a cloudless night.” (Coleman 43). Coleman used the same environment to produce two entirely different views on the

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