The Stolen Party Liliana Heker

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In “The Stolen Party liliana Heker use third person limited point of view to instate a connection with Rosaura through letting us have more knowledge of only her thoughts and feelings which forces us to focus on Rosaura thoughts and feeling letting Liliana Heker manipulate suspense into the story were there would originally be none. The first reason to use first person limited is to focus in one character and make the reader take the characters side in any conflict that might ensue. If a conflict arose the character thinks that they are doing the right thing although in reality or to the opposition it may not be. We believe our main character because it is the only thing we know so we as readers are compelled to take a side and the reader …show more content…

She had a big smile on her face and Rosaura liked that . Senora Ines looked down at her then looked up at her mother, and said something that made rosaura proud, ‘what a marvelous daughter you have”’ The information displayed here is used only to distract the reader until the climax peek when Senora Ines hands Rosaura the money another example is “Rosaura preferred the yoyo because it sparkled but she did not mention it to her mother. Her mother might have said: ‘so why don’t you ask for one you

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