The Socialization Of The Family In The American Family

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Family, as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary is, “a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head” (Merriam-Webster, n.d). The family is the first and primary agent of socialization. This is where children learn about love, acceptance, security, and companionship (Kendall, 2017). Parents are the first teachers that children have; they teach social values, cultural values, and family heritage. These lessons help children to begin identifying with certain social groups, and they begin to develop a sense of who they are in relation to their family and to the world (Kendall, 2017). The dramatic changes that have occurred in American families is due to a high divorce rate. Due to divorce, there are many single parent families, and there are also blended families because of remarriage (Kendall, 2017). There is a need for both parents to earn an income; this is even more important for a single parent family, where the …show more content…

There are also many personal choices that have affected the new family structures. There are many same-sex couples that are deciding to adopt children, or raise children they bring from a previous relationship or marriage, and women are deciding to raise kids alone because of their desire to remain free of the entanglements of marriage, or a relationship. These different family types can be successful; however, they will have many more struggles, and many more battles to fight in order to raise strong, secure, well-adjusted children that are prepared to change the world. There are also races and classes of men and women that are not well educated and live at or below the poverty line that remain single while raising their children or who cohabitate with their significant other. For the future to remain bright for everyone, children need to be raised by two parents that love them, and love each other; it is the best

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